The right to access information owned, disposed of, or supervised by the Križevci Tourist Board is regulated by the Law on the Right to Access Information (NN 25/13, NN 85/2015) as well as the criteria for determining the amount of compensation for actual material costs and information delivery costs (NN 12/14), correction (NN 15/14).

The law also prescribes the principles of the right of access, exceptions to the right of access and the procedure for exercising and protecting the right o access to information. The aim of the law is to enable and provide information to natural and legal persons through the openness and publicity of the activities of public authorities, in accordance with the law.

The right to information is excercised by submitting a request to Križevci Tourist Board in writing or by telephone at +385 48 671 199. If the request is submitted in writing, it is necessary to fill in the Application form for access to information which you can send to:

Križevci Tourist Board, Trg Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 5, 48260 Križevci

Fax number +385 48 681 199

By email:

Bring it in person to the Tourist Office during office hours.

There is no need to pay an additional fee for the form when submitting the application.

Protection of personal data

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data – General Data Protection Regulation – GDPR applies directly in the Republic of Croatia from 25 May 2018. (More on the link:

Act on the Implementation of the General Regulation on Data Protection (NN 42/18)

Personal Data Protection Officer Tourist Office of the Križevci Tourist Board

Trg Josipa Jurja Strossmayera 5, 48260 Križevci

Tel. +385 48 681 199 E-mail:

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